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Comparing Material Unloading Solutions: Drive-Over, Drive-Over Grain Unloaders, End-Dump, Rail Car, and Rail to Truck Unloaders

Efficient unloading equipment is essential for bulk material handling across industries like agriculture, mining, and construction. At Iron City Supply, we offer a diverse lineup of unloading solutions, including Drive-Over Unloaders, Drive-Over Grain Unloaders, End-Dump Unloaders, Rail Car Unloaders, and Rail to Truck Unloaders, each designed for specific needs. Here’s an overview of their features and applications.

Drive over unloader, HD unloader, truck unloader

Drive-Over Unloaders

The Drive-Over Unloader is engineered for fast, efficient unloading of belly-dump trucks.

  • Capacity: Handles up to 1,500 TPH of material at 100 pcf. 
  • Applications: Ideal for materials such as rock, grain, salt, and frac sand. 
  • Advantages: Heavy-duty construction, portability, and quick unloading speeds make it indispensable for high-volume operations. 


Drive Over Grain Unloader

The Drive Over Grain Unloader moves 12,000 bushels per hour, significantly reducing delays at your bunker.

  • Features: Equipped with a 42" Chevron Belt, removable 16' ramps, hydraulic lift jacks, and a full-voltage motor starter.
  • Optimal Pairing: Match it with a 36x120 or 36x130 Radial Stacker for maximum efficiency.


Double Drive Over Grain Unloader

The Double Drive Over Grain Unloader further optimizes your operations by allowing one truck to unload while another prepares.

  • Capacity: Also unloads 12,000 bushels per hour.
  • Features: Comes with eight removable 16’ ramps, a full-voltage double motor starter, hydraulic lift jacks, and a 42" Chevron Belt.


End dump unloader, HD unloader, truck unloader

End-Dump Unloaders

For end-dump trucks, the End-Dump Unloader provides reliable, high-capacity material unloading.

  • Capacity: Processes 1,500 TPH at 100 pcf on a 48” belt.
  • Design: Includes a 10' hopper, 48" belt, and customizable motor options.
  • Applications: Best for operations handling coal, aggregates, or similar bulk materials.


Rail car unloader, Conveyor system, Conveyor belt, Iron city supply

Rail Car Unloaders

The Rail Car Unloader is a portable solution for facilities lacking a pit.

  • Capacity: Unloads up to 250 TPH with a 30" belt.
  • Features: Your choice of hold-down wheel arrangement, allowing handling of fine or large materials.
  • Applications: Perfect for sand, salt, grain, and rock. Pair this unit with one of our transfer conveyors or radial stackers to load material into a building, truck, or stockpile.  Covers, discharge hood, and gas/hydraulic options are available.


Rail car unloader, Conveyor system, Conveyor belt, Iron city supply

Rail to Truck Unloader

The Rail to Truck Unloader is ideal for transferring materials from railcars to trucks.

  • 30” slider bed conveyor with a 24” deep truss.
  • Cleated belt for secure material movement.
  • Flexible power options: electric, hydraulic, or diesel/hydraulic.
  • Applications: Suitable for loading open-top or pneumatic tankers.
  • Advantages: Its portable design and pintle eye steer hitch ensure smooth integration into your operations.

Which Unloader is Right for You?

Choosing between these unloading solutions depends on your operational requirements:

  • If your focus is on high-speed unloading of belly-dump trucks, the Drive-Over Unloader or Grain Unloader is a practical choice for maximum speeds.
  • For end-dump trucks, the End-Dump Unloader offers unmatched speed and reliability.
  • If you need to unload materials from railcars efficiently without access to a pit, the Rail Car Unloader is the ideal option.

At Iron City Supply, we understand that no two operations are alike. That’s why we offer customizable solutions to meet your unique needs. Whether you’re managing large-scale aggregate stockpiles, grain transfers, or industrial material handling, we have the equipment and expertise to help you run your operations or tackle new projects.


Contact Us for Expert Assistance

Need help deciding which unloader is right for you? Our team is here to provide personalized recommendations. Call us at (814) 701-2111 or email us at sales@ironcitysupply.com. Explore our range of high-quality new and used equipment to streamline your operations and improve efficiency.

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